Center for Spectrum Services, Ellenville

I visited the Center for Spectrum Services, at the invitation of Sandy Armstrong Brownsey.

Their website describes what they do as follows:

"For nearly forty years, Center for Spectrum Services has been improving the lives of people with autism. Since its inception, Spectrum Services has earned a national reputation for excellence in serving people across the autism spectrum."

As I expand my "Life in Ulster County" photos beyond just people working, taking pictures of these kids and the adults who care about them was a really cool opportunity. It was great to see the joy that the adults got from working with the kids. I also learned a bit about autism, as it's not something that I know much about. It was a great morning.

Update: I visited the Center again in 2019. Click here to see the photos from 2019.


Knox, in front of a whiteboard where Sandy, the Program Coordinator, had written down 1:64 to show me how many kids these days are being diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum.