Reality of the road - Talkeetna, Alaska

Here I am at the Talkeetna Roadhouse in Talkeetna, Alaska, 37 years old, crammed into a bunk bed I am paying $22 a night for, trying to do some work in private.   There is a common area I've done work at as well, but this evening I wanted more quiet than that. I have been eating stuff I bought at the grocery store for the most part, but I dropped a bunch of money on a scenic flight today.   My priorities on the road are pretty interesting sometimes!


The Breakup

It's a nice day to walk around Talkeetna, Alaska.  Pretty clear views of Denali! I've talked with a fair number of people here, and I keep hearing the term "the breakup".  I figured out, and confirmed via google, that it means the time of year when the rivers become unfrozen and the snow melts.  Tourist season will be ramping up soon.  There aren't many other visitors around, so it's interesting for me.  It might not be the "prettiest" time of year, but I am enjoying getting a feel for how things work around here.




I arrived in Talkeetna, Alaska just a few hours ago, where I will be for 3 nights.  I've already made 2 trips to the river to try to see Denali.  The first time, there were clouds over the mountain, and I wasn't even sure if I was looking at the same thing.  The second time, I found this.  The clouds were still clearing, but I started to get a grasp on just how big a mountain it is.  And it's still kinda far away!  


Quick Stop

Knik River Road, Palmer, Alaska I pulled over because I liked the way the road led towards the mountain, and then I realized that these tire tracks in the road could make for a more interesting photo.  I still wasn't totally excited about it, until I showed my friend whose house I am staying at, and she informed me that she knew whose tire tracks they were, because someone she know had to slam on their brakes last year to avoid hitting a moose.  So that makes it more unique for sure.



Springtime in Alaska

Shot at Independence Mine State Park in Alaska. I took a drive through Badger Pass and walked around the snow fields in Independence Mine State Park.  It looked like a mythical alpine village in some  ways, but it was very real.  It's springtime here in Alaska, and it most certainly is not 40 below like the song says.  It was actually probably 40 degrees above zero (or more) in this spot...which made me a little nervous walking on the packed down snow without snow shoes.  But I made it, sticking mostly to the parts where the cross country skiers go, and only once or twice taking a step where the snow went past my knees.  There were lots of other people around, enjoying the nice day.  It was fun.1-5


Wait a minute...that doesn't look like Hawaii!!! It sure isn't.  It is Alaska!  I took an overnight flight direct from Hawaii to Alaska.

I've now reached my 50th state.  I will be here for 3 weeks.  I can't wait to see what I find.

Now I'm waiting for my friends to call me a dork for this photo.  I had the idea a few days ago and couldn't help myself.  Don't expect too many corny posts like this.  I don't want to become a caricature of myself.  But it's funny.  Right?




Almost 2 weeks ago I posted a photo of my new friends Emma and Adolf.  Here they are again, with yours truly, in their apartment in downtown Honolulu last night.  They invited me over, and we had wine, food, and a great lengthy, often interesting, often very funny, wide-ranging conversation.  I had to pull myself away at 9 PM, after having been there for 6 hours!  Until I started traveling like I do and until I had a photography business, I never questioned much about who were my friends.  My friends were always people of a similar age to me that I met through school or work or through other friends.  But now I have friends all over the United States, and other parts of the world, of various ages and backgrounds.  That makes me happy. Thank you Emma and Adolf.


Life is good

This photo was shot while sitting on a "Pillbox" on top of a mountain on the island of Oahu, in the state of Hawaii, recently. I like my traveling lifestyle.  I like the challenge of it all.  I laugh every day, even at my lowest times.  I always laugh.

I like story telling, and this way of telling a story as it happens is pretty new to the world.  There is not much precedent for it, which is one of my favorite parts of it.

After chatting with some friends today about how to make sure that I do not come off as a negative person or complainer in my online posts,  I have come up with some good ideas and I am very excited about it.  As I continue to travel and evolve as a story teller, I always appreciate good feedback and good friends who care enough to help me improve.

Thank you to the long time followers for all the support, to the new followers for showing interest, and to those who will start following in the future.  Have a great night or day, wherever you are.




Waikiki Beach, 2016

I walked, and walked, and walked down Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii and was looking for a good sunset scene.  Lots of other people apparently had the same idea, many with various types of cameras, and many just wanted to view it without taking photos.  So instead of squeezing in to find a spot to shoot off into the distance, I stood back and shot this silhouette of a very modern scene of what it's like to be amongst the sunset crowd.  I hope you like it.  I'm pretty stoked about it.  1-3