Heading east

Colorado - you've been good to me for the past 9 days. But I am still not excited about my usual type of photography on a day to day basis, which has been going on for a month or so. I am excited though about a photo opportunity that won't last long that's far far away from here. So, I am unceremoniously heading east in a few minutes. I hope to go 450-550 miles today on the dreaded interstate today, then a few more days of interstate driving ahead. Boring, right? But it's going to be worth it. In a few days, you might consider this "trip" that I'm on over, a few weeks earlier than I had imagined. If all goes well, a new and exciting chapter in my photography will begin. It won't be a total change, but I will be mixing in some new things with what I already do. Stay tuned!
