Behind the scenes - Palmer, Alaska

This house in Palmer, Alaska near the Knik River is my home base for my three weeks in the state. My friend Bridget, who I graduated high school with, invited me to come stay up here at the house, after I messaged her on Facebook to try to learn about Alaska.  I hadn't seen her since the day we graduated, almost 20 years ago.  It's been a good stay so far, and I'm experiencing a different way of life than I've seen anywhere else.  Her and hey boyfriend Jeffrey have been great hosts.  I've stayed in so many neat places on this trip.  I love it.



Aurora! (Pronounced like Eureka!)

Aurora Borealis just outside Fairbanks, Alaska When I booked my travel to Alaska about 6 months ago, I wondered if I'd see the Northern Lights.  It wasn't going to make or break my trip, but I was hoping it would happen.  Last night in Talkeetna, I saw a bit of them.  Tonight around Fairbanks, I saw much more.  The show didn't last long, and the clouds were messing with it, but I saw movement like I hadn't seen the night before.  I saw a streak of light move sideways across the sky, which was the highlight of it.  I'd say the whole thing for me was about 15 minutes long.  I tried to enjoy it and not be freaking out about getting the best photos.  But I think this photo came out great.  I hope you like it.





Reality of the road - Talkeetna, Alaska

Here I am at the Talkeetna Roadhouse in Talkeetna, Alaska, 37 years old, crammed into a bunk bed I am paying $22 a night for, trying to do some work in private.   There is a common area I've done work at as well, but this evening I wanted more quiet than that. I have been eating stuff I bought at the grocery store for the most part, but I dropped a bunch of money on a scenic flight today.   My priorities on the road are pretty interesting sometimes!


The Breakup

It's a nice day to walk around Talkeetna, Alaska.  Pretty clear views of Denali! I've talked with a fair number of people here, and I keep hearing the term "the breakup".  I figured out, and confirmed via google, that it means the time of year when the rivers become unfrozen and the snow melts.  Tourist season will be ramping up soon.  There aren't many other visitors around, so it's interesting for me.  It might not be the "prettiest" time of year, but I am enjoying getting a feel for how things work around here.




I arrived in Talkeetna, Alaska just a few hours ago, where I will be for 3 nights.  I've already made 2 trips to the river to try to see Denali.  The first time, there were clouds over the mountain, and I wasn't even sure if I was looking at the same thing.  The second time, I found this.  The clouds were still clearing, but I started to get a grasp on just how big a mountain it is.  And it's still kinda far away!  


Quick Stop

Knik River Road, Palmer, Alaska I pulled over because I liked the way the road led towards the mountain, and then I realized that these tire tracks in the road could make for a more interesting photo.  I still wasn't totally excited about it, until I showed my friend whose house I am staying at, and she informed me that she knew whose tire tracks they were, because someone she know had to slam on their brakes last year to avoid hitting a moose.  So that makes it more unique for sure.

